
Scaramouche 2.1 story quest

We first met scaramouche the mysterious man from inazuma back in 1.0

Xingqiu and chongyun team

Xingqiu is a very good support for chongyun

Barbara dps build

she heals and she murder


     Hey everyone! im here just to say that i got kokomi! i didnt expect to get her but im so happy.I win the 50/50 at low pity too! When her banner just dropped i only have 2 wishes and i was so ready to see 3 stars weapon without expecting any 4 star or even kokomi herself.She is so pretty and im very very very happy to invite her in my team.Many people are saying that kokomi is not worth to pull :/.Just wait for them to beg for her rerun after her banner ends HAHA.

~pink paper

Tips #3


 Razor Build for beginners!

Razor is one of the best dps.He is a 4 star character which that means he is pretty easy to get!.For the artifacts you can use 2 piece of berseker set and 2 set gladiator set.As for the weapon using the debate club from gacha is really good.For the stat atk percentage is good to add more damage.For the talent focus burst-elemental skill-basic attack.Have fun!

~pink paper 

Tips #2


 Venti build for beginner!(support build)

As someone who mains venti for a long time its my time to shine HEHE.For his artifact use instructor set 2 piece and exile set 2 piece.And as for the bow maybe try using the raven bow from gacha.As for the stat focus on elemental mastery and energy recharge.    For the talent focus Burst - Elemental skill-Basic attack (not necessary).Have fun!

~pink paper

Tips #1


Raiden Shogun build for begginers!
(especially for players bellow ar 35)
You can use the berseker set since its a really good one!
for the stats focus on energy recharge crit dmg and crit rate.
as for the weapon you can use anyhting but i recommend you use the prototype starglitter since its forgeable and has energy recharge stat.For the talent focus Burst - Elemental Skill - Basic attack.Have fun!

~pink paper

Discussion corner #1


 Stuff i like to do =

I really like to paint i guess so,it just makes me feel calm and keep focusing on one stuff.Im not a really good painter.The result is based on my mood.I ran out of white paint i stopped for a while T_T . I also really like to watch anime! not a lot but i only watched a few that i really enjoy.Some of my favorites are death note,Hunter x Hunter,maybe attack on titan??.I am currently watching Tokyo Revengers, i really liked that show.And my most favorite thing to do is now ,playing genshin impact hehe.Its a really fun game,maybe its almost a year ive played the game.I main venti and the raiden shogun!.My raiden shogun is now at level 85 :D.it was really painful to gather all of her ascension materials.I spent the wholee day to fight the thunder manifestation.But in the end i did it.For now on those are my hobbies!

~ pink paper



 HELLO! pink paper here.welcome to my blog.In here im going to share a lots of stuff! pretty much about the things i really like to do or maybe some tips.Dont be shy to share your thought or question here hehe.

~pink paper

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